Words of wisdom by the Herbwoman

Since i’m too busy enjoying shortbread cookies and tea among other things, the herbwoman decided to give in a little something for the readers. Enjoy.

Once in a lifetime you must meet someone who will make your world go round and fill you with infinite joy that screams of bold yet beautiful colors.

It is important that you do meet such a person so you can restore your faith in mankind and know that there is hope in this world even though everything else you have ever come across was laced with pain hopelessness and despair.

You will rub your eyes and with hanging jaw stare at this mortal because he will make you step back and scrub off all the notions about love, life, friendship, present, past and future that you have accumulated through your brief walk into adulthood.

You will want to tell the world about how he makes your world go round and how you feel like God gave you a second chance in life but you will also be scared that if you did you will jinx it all up.

It will feel like an amazing dream to be cherished, adored and dotted on with no strings attached but the best part is that it would really be reality knocking at your door, willing you to claim this person forever.

However, you will radiate a faint stench of fear; of falling too hard, of ruining everything beautiful by magnifying your own insecurities and turning into a needy, clingy overbearing soul but you know he will smell the fear and pacify it, because he’s the sort you meet once in a life time.

In the end you have got to do justice to everything that has been given to you, so you close your eyes, turn your head and raise your hands towards the sky and let the sound of your love vibrate out of your heart.Β  You hope that God will respond to your silent pleas by making this once in a lifetime opportunity last forever.

Mashallah. Inshallah. Alhamdulilah.Β  πŸ˜‰

44 responses to “Words of wisdom by the Herbwoman

  1. I’m speechless.

  2. Pingback: Words of wisdom by the Herbwoman | Tea Break

  3. I was going to say ameen after I read that last statement like I made a small dua :D. Very well written.

  4. u finally updated the blog!!!
    And u do write beautifully wen u want to…Ameen to ur prayer

  5. Allah qabool karay

  6. Well some people are important to you, only their presence cheer you up….!
    and certainly such people are not to loose and be thanked for…!

  7. and he writes!

  8. Thank you everyone for being speechless, whoa’ed and for remembering us in your prayers. I hope you truly enjoyed a fruityshoot of girl wisdom on a man’s blog. πŸ˜‰

  9. Beautiful, farooq, beautiful!
    I love the post, very well written. *thumbs up*
    Lots and lots of prayers for you. πŸ™‚

  10. “In the end you have got to do justice to everything that has been given to you, so you close your eyes, turn your head and raise your hands towards the sky and let the sound of your love vibrate out of your heart. You hope that God will respond to your silent pleas by making this once in a lifetime opportunity last forever.”

    Loved how you ended it. I read it the third time. :$ πŸ˜€

  11. May Allah keep you two happy *together*. πŸ˜›

  12. @H
    thank you. Herbwoman writes very well, but she doesnt take my word for it πŸ˜›

    ji wohi!

    i didnt write this bhai!! my name is not herbwoman! πŸ˜›

    ameen! πŸ˜€

    sahee baat hai πŸ˜›

    SHE writes, he posts πŸ˜›

    haha thank you!

    ameen! πŸ˜›

  13. forcedmeditation


  14. Hey! Really well written πŸ™‚

    Can I share on facebook?google reader?

  15. @forced

    sure. go for it.

  16. I shall use this on my photoblog. πŸ˜‰

    I know you wont mind πŸ˜›

  17. Pingback: Words of wisdom. « Blog Archive « Standing underneath the stars

  18. Wow, beautifully written.

  19. Such a sweetly written post.
    I doubt such a person is out there. But then again, that’s how my faith in mankind needs to be restored.

  20. who. is. herbwoman?

  21. @qa

    i do mind! πŸ˜›

    yep, i know. πŸ˜€

    thats a secret! πŸ˜›

  22. oh man 😦 she writes beautifully. and Ameen to that.

  23. I’m glad everyone enjoyed the post but isnt it high time some “slackers” start paying attention to their own blog and write a post for us ehhh??P

  24. @shiny



    hmmm who are we talking about again? πŸ˜›

  25. You need to update. NOW.

  26. yes please, you need to let us know what is going around under the skin of your curly locks:P

  27. and oh, by curly locks I meant freshly mowed football field πŸ˜›


  28. FAROOQ K! You said you will update! 😑

  29. ………………………..

  30. he did.

    more than twice.

    kill him.

  31. update



  33. Manutdfanatic

    Update when you feel you want to. It’s a free world. ^^

  34. Manutdfanatic

    I simply loved this.

  35. your blog is pregnant.

  36. how’s it pregnant? πŸ˜›

  37. Doe-eyed Brunette

    The fact that its not pushing out any post!!!

  38. It’s waiting for the right time. πŸ˜•

  39. Duhude! Are you going to be all cheesy from now on? Damn you!

    Post something about potty shotty…. remind us of the good ol’ days, when the blogsphere used to be fun, and people used to be scared of having SAWJ, Safi and farooq on the same forum! Hahaha…

    Khair have fun! Dont go looking for that dude just yet! Haha

  40. hahahahaha ajeeb say aadmi! πŸ˜›

  41. herbwoman, you have made me fallen in love with you all over again…..what a beautiful piece

  42. Doe-eyed Brunette

    thank you:)
    and I didnt know you were already in love with me!!!:P

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